Monday 14 May 2012

Dear All,

I have never been one who believes in claiming a benefit when not needed, as some of you know.
I was severely ill all of last year, and unfortunately still recovering but I've got over the worst.
I'm supposed to be looking forward to my 34th Birthday but unfortunately I find myself involved in a bitter argument with this government. I wouldn't just single out this government, previous governments have done there best to marginalise, segregate and divorce the disabled and or long term ill from society.

However, Iain Duncan Smith sees people like me as "benefit scroungers" and are trying to cut a lot of vulnerable people in society off completely. I've unfortunately already had to deal with, since the Welfare reforms came to pass in 2010, people with illness and disability taking their own lives.
I can't believe that whilst the Government bears down upon the most vulnerable in society to make savings in these times of austerity, they should start with the people that most need help from the Welfare state.

I have been passed fit for work. And if the job centre can find me something that they don't mind me doing either one hour a day or six depending on how my medication is affecting me, whether I have extreme sort tissue infections, bleeding through the bowel suffering from chronic anaemia, trying to come to terms with various worsening complications of my syndrome, and also having long term counselling after being sexually assaulted by a consultant some years ago, I'll certainly take them up on the job offer!

However with Iain Duncan Smith closing down all of Remploy and expecting people like me to compete in a job market in a double dip recession, I fear my chances of employment are low!

This is what I ask of you, to read the article I have linked, and also try to think of anyone who has a long term disability and or illness, and ask how it's affecting them. If you're lucky, you may join our club at any time if you're struck down with any number of hideous scenarios.
I pray that you aren't and that you never have to feel victimised and worthless, as I do right now after the Government of my country have decided to silence those that find it hard to speak for themselves in the first place.

I'm proud to be a Disabled person, I can cope with battling with my syndrome. What I can't take is thinking that society is laying down and letting this happen to us, so find YOUR voice contact YOUR MP, and let them know exactly what you think about this. I can speak and this is what I say to you, forget the Olympics, let the Queen have her birthday, don't let 2012 headlines be dominated with distractions from what really matters, which is OUR welfare state is being crushed day by day, hour by hour. And if you think all that tax your paying  is going to help people like me, Iain Duncan Smith has set out to make sure it doesn't.

Please read the article from the Torygraph, ahem, The Telegraph and just see what sort of message is being sent out by the media, also if you can read and sign the petition, I will be forever in your debt. Please make your voice count and forward this to everyone you can think of, hopefully this ripple will turn into a wave of change. Read the below articles to understand not just how seriously this affects me, but also a soldier who may have just been injured in the line of duty in Afghanistan!

Thank you,

Forever your friend,

Mr X

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